
Jury and Witness Pay

Applies to: All regular employees with the exception of those covered by the terms of a collective bargaining agreement
  1. Policy

    1. Employees, including probationary employees, shall be excused from work and will not sustain loss of their regular compensation when called upon for jury duty or to testify at the order of a court or other agency of government or upon request of the University. This policy does not apply to an employee who is a plaintiff or serves as an expert witness.
    2. An employee who loses time from work for jury or witness service will receive their regular University compensation for the lost time. Documentation may be required to support an absence under this policy.
    3. Employees called for jury duty or to testify can be absent with pay for the service period as a juror or witness. Employees are expected to utilize any courthouse call-in or online service to be notified, in advance, of whether their presence is needed. If it is not needed the employee is expected to report to work as scheduled, including returning to work to continue their regular work schedule for that day. Except otherwise noted:
      1. Day-Shift employees will be released from work for the day of service.
      2. Night-shift employees will be released from work on the scheduled shift before and/or after the day of service to allow for adequate sleep time to safely perform the duties of their position.
      3. In all circumstances flexibility and modification of schedules should be considered while the employee is serving in a Jury or Witness capacity.
      4. Employees must notify their supervisors as soon as possible of potential or actual jury or witness duty and may be asked to provide relevant daily attendance documentation upon completion.
      5. Employees may retain any jury fees and reimbursement.
    4. Accrual of vacation or Paid Time Off (PTO) is not affected by time spent on jury or witness service.



This SPG was updated in November 2023 to clarify eligibility for off-shift employees.

This SPG was reviewed in January 2017 with no changes. 

SPG Number
Date Issued
Last Updated
Next Review Date
Applies To
All regular employees with the exception of those covered by the terms of a collective bargaining agreement
University Human Resources; Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Primary Contact
University Human Resources and the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs