Sabbatical Leave (Instructional)
Sabbatical leaves of absence may be granted to provide the faculty member an opportunity for an intensive program of research and/or study, thus enhancing their effectiveness to the University as a teacher and scholar.
Regulations and Definitions
Tenured members of the regular instructional faculty who have completed six years of service in regular professorial ranks at the University are eligible for a sabbatical leave. Where a faculty member is awarded tenure later than the sixth year of employment, a post-tenure sabbatical leave may, and ordinarily should, be provided after tenure; in these circumstances, eligibility for a second sabbatical leave will be determined as if the first sabbatical was taken after six years of services.
Sabbatical eligible faculty should contact their Dean or designee regarding deferring sabbatical to determine preservation or loss of equity towards a subsequent sabbatical. Preservation of equity or loss of equity is at the discretion of the academic unit.
Duration and Compensation
- A sabbatical leave may be granted for an entire annual appointment period or for one-half of an annual appointment period. The annual appointment period is defined as either a twelve-month or a University-year period.
- The faculty member granted a sabbatical leave for the entire appointment period shall receive one-half of the faculty member's regular salary. A sabbatical leave granted for one-half of the annual appointment period provides regular salary.
Extra Compensation During Sabbatical Leave
- A faculty member on sabbatical leave shall not render service for compensation in the university or another institution or enterprise. This does not preclude, however, the acceptance of a fellowship or other assistance in research. In each such case, the source of additional funds and the fact that their use materially aids the planned research program of the faculty member shall be fully set forth in the request for sabbatical leave or, if not known at that time, prior to the effective date of the sabbatical leave.
- Compensation received from acceptance of a fellowship or other assistance in research including the sabbatical leave salary may not exceed the regular salary of the faculty member and must conform to SPG 201.65-1: Conflicts of Interest and Conflicts of Commitment as well as the conflicts of interest and conflicts of commitments policies at the school and college level.
Application for Sabbatical Leave
Application for sabbatical leave shall be made in writing and submitted to the dean of the unit concerned not later than February 1 preceding the appointment year within which the leave is desired. The application must be accompanied by a statement of a well-considered plan for the sabbatical that includes its significance as a contribution to the professional effectiveness of the faculty member and the best interest of the university.
Completion of Sabbatical
- Upon completion of the sabbatical leave, the faculty member shall submit a report of the results of the leave within 90 days following return from leave. The report shall be submitted to the chair or dean, who will acknowledge receipt of the report in writing and forward a copy of the acknowledgment memo to the dean and to the Shared Services Center. (In some instances, the dean's office may require a copy of the report.) The report shall include: a) An account of activities during the leave, including travel itineraries, institutions visited, and persons consulted; b) A statement of progress made on the sabbatical leave program as proposed in the application and an explanation of any significant changes made in the program; c) An appraisal of the relationship between the results obtained and those anticipated in the sabbatical leave program statement.
- A faculty member granted a sabbatical leave is required to return to the University, with effort, for a period of at least one year following the completion of the sabbatical leave. A faculty member who fails to satisfy this return obligation will be required to reimburse the University for the salary and benefits costs it contributed to the leave.
Determination of Years of Service
- Years of service are determined by the number of annual appointment periods (i.e., six 12-month appointments, six University-year appointments, or a combination of both totaling six).
- Sabbatical equity does not accrue during unpaid leaves of absence.
- Sabbatical equity does accrue during paid leaves of absence (e.g., sick leave).
Health and Life Insurance
Subject to, and consistent with the Group Health Insurance Plans and the Group Life Insurance Plan, coverage will be continued during a sabbatical leave of absence, unless specifically canceled by the faculty member through the Benefits Office.
Retirement Plan
For each month the faculty member receives full pay, retirement plan contributions will continue at the full salary rate. For each month in which the pay received is one-half of the faculty member's full salary, contributions will continue based on the one-half full salary rate.
Disability Plan
Disability plan protection will continue during sabbatical leave.
Sick Leave Plan
Sick leave plan benefits will continue during sabbatical leave.
Faculty members are not eligible for vacation allowance during the sabbatical leave.
Retirement Furlough Eligibility
In order to be eligible for a retirement furlough, a faculty member must not have taken a sabbatical leave during the four years preceding the beginning date of the retirement furlough.
Maternity (Childbirth) and Parental Leaves
Maternity (childbirth) and parental leave benefits will continue during sabbatical leave.
This SPG was updated in October, 2024 as follows: changed the word “staff” to “faculty,” updated with gender-neutral pronouns, added a new “Deferrals” section, clarified extra compensation during sabbatical must conform to unit and SPG COC/COI guidelines, changed HRRIS to SSC for receipt of post-sabbatical reports and updated procedures section to bring current.