College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

Alternative Text Version of College of Literature, Science, and the Arts Organization Chart
- Dean
- Executive Administrator to the Dean
- Chief of Staff
- Executive Director of Administration and Chief Financial Officer
- Divisional Associate Deans
- Undergraduate Education Associate Dean
- Advancement Assistant Dean
- Associate Dean of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Professional Development
- Assistant Dean
- Assistant Dean
- Assistant Dean Executive Director Newnan Advising Center
- Assistant Dean
- Community
- Instructional Departments
- Afro-American and African Studies
- Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Philosophy
- American Culture
- Economics
- Physics
- Anthropology
- English Language and Literature
- Political Science
- Asian Languages and Cultures
- Germanic Languages and Literatures
- Psychology
- Astronomy
- History
- Romance Languages and Literatures
- Chemistry
- History of Art
- Film, Television, and Media
- Classical Studies
- Linguistics
- Slavic Languages and Literatures
- Communication Studies
- Mathematics
- Sociology
- Comparative Literature
- Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology
- Statistics
- Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Middle Eastern Studies
- Women’s Studies
- Museum and Other Units
- Museum of Anthropological Archaeology
- Museum of Archaeology
- Museum of Paleontology
- Biological Station
- Institutes, Enhanced Programs and Centers
- Applied Physics
- Institute for the Humanities
- Organizational Studies
- Barger Leadership Institute
- International Institute
- Residential College
- Biophysics
- Judaic Studies
- Sweetland Center for Writing
- Complex Systems
- Honors
- Weinberg Institute
- National Center for Institutional Diversity
- Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences