Office of the Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs

Alternative Text Version of Office of the Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs Organization Chart
- Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs Dean of UMMS CEO, Michigan Medicine
- Chief Administrative Officer, Michigan Medicine and Chief of Staff, Office of the EVPMA
- Chief Financial Officer, Michigan Medicine
- Chief Strategy Officer, Michigan Medicine
- President of UM Health; Executive Vice Dean for Clinical Affairs, UMMS
- Chief Academic Officer,Michigan Medicine; Executive Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, UMMS 2
- Chief Scientific Officer, Michigan Medicine, Executive Vice Dean for Research, Michigan Medicine
- Basic Sciences DepartmentChairs5 and Select Directors of Centers and Institutes6
- Chief Communications and Marketing Officer, Michigan Medicine 1
- Chief Compliance Officer Privacy and UM HIPAA Office, Michigan Medicine 1
- Chief Government Relations Officer, Michigan Medicine 1
- Chief Human Resources Officer, Michigan Medicine 1
- Chief Information Officer, Michigan Medicine 1
- Senior Associate Vice President for Medical Development and Alumni Relations, Michigan Medicine 1, 4
- Chief Patient Experience Officer, Michigan Medicine 3
- Vice President and Associate Dean, DEI 1
- Executive Director, Global Health and Equity1
- Chief Transformation Officer1
- AVP and Deputy General Counsel 7
1 Day to day responsibilities delegated by the EVPMA to the Chief Administrative Officer/Chief of Staff
2 Dual reporting relationship to Provost
3 Day to day responsibilities delegated by the EVPMA to the Executive Director, UMMG
4 Dual reporting relationship to University Vice President of Development
5 Day to day responsibilities delegated by the EVPMA/Dean to Executive Vice Deans
6 Day to day responsibilities delegated by the EVPMA/Dean to Executive Vice Deans or other medical school senior leadership delegated by EVPMA/Dean
7 Solid line reporting relationship to University Vice President & General Counsel; dotted line reporting relationship to Office of the EVPMA