
Transfer: Promotional, Lateral, and Demotional

Applies to: Regular staff with the exception of those covered by the terms of a collective bargaining agreement
  1. Policy

    The University may reassign staff members by transferring them from one position to another in the same or another classification. Transfer will be made without regard to the employee’s age, race, color, sex, gender identity, gender expression, religion, disability, height, weight, marital status, national origin or ancestry, sexual orientation, or veteran status, except where sex or age are bona-fide occupational requirements.

  2. Regulations and Definitions

    1. Promotion

      A promotion is movement to a position in another classification at a greater level or responsibility.

      1. A promotional transfer will normally be accompanied by an increase in compensation.
      2. The transfer date normally should not be later than four (4) weeks from the date of acceptance by a staff member.
      3. A promotion may be initiated by the University or as the result of consideration of a request by a staff member.
    2. Lateral

      A lateral transfer is movement to a position in the same classification or to a position in another classification at a similar level of responsibility.

      1. A lateral transfer may be initiated by the University or as the result of a request by a staff member.
      2. A change in salary will not typically accompany a lateral transfer.
      3. The transfer date typically occurs no later than four (4) weeks from the date of acceptance by the employing unit.
    3. Demotional

      A demotional transfer is movement to a position in another classification at a lesser level of responsibility.

      1. A demotion may be initiated by the University or as the result of consideration of a request by a staff member, when factors beyond the control of the staff member or supervisor prevent the staff member from effectively performing in their current position.
      2. A demotion may not be used as a form of disciplinary action.
      3. A demotion would typically be accompanied by a reduction in salary.
    4. In situations where transfer of a current employee with a disability into a vacant available position for which they are qualified constitutes a reasonable accommodation, the employee with the disability shall be transferred into the position
    5. No staff member is guaranteed a transfer.
    6. Staff members must have prior satisfactory work performance in order to be given consideration for a promotional transfer.
    7. A staff member need not be considered for another position during the six month period following a promotion/transfer/lateral/demotion.

This SPG was revised in October 2023 to update the non-discrimination content, remove language stating that vacancies would not normally be filled externally without first considering internal candidates, confirm staff with less than six months in their current role need not be considered for open positions, and add related links and policies.

SPG Number
Date Issued
Last Updated
Next Review Date
Applies To
Regular staff with the exception of those covered by the terms of a collective bargaining agreement
University Human Resources; Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Primary Contact
Staff HR