
Special One-Year Tuition Non-Resident Tuition Differential Grant for Newly Recruited Faculty and Staff Whose Dependents Are Classified as Non-Residents

Applies to: Regular Faculty and Staff except those covered by the terms of a collective bargaining agreement
  1. Policy

    Responsibility for determining a University of Michigan student’s eligibility to be classified as a resident for tuition purposes rests with the Residency Classification Office in the Office of the Registrar.

    A dean or executive officer may offer a one-year non-resident tuition differential grant for a prospective or recently recruited faculty or staff member’s immediate family member who may be or has been determined to be ineligible for residency for the purposes of tuition. The grant offer is generally made as part of a recruitment effort (e.g., to recruit an exceptionally talented individual or to fill a position that is difficult to fill). The grant will be provided only under the terms described in Section II, Regulations and Definitions. The office of the dean or executive officer that approves the grant offer is responsible for funding the grant.

    The grant is provided in accordance with the following regulations and definitions.

  2. Regulations and Definitions

    The University will provide the differential between resident and non-resident tuition for University of Michigan courses taken by members of the immediate family of a faculty or staff member as a benefit of employment under the following conditions:

    1. The faculty or staff member must hold a regular, full-time position at the University of Michigan.
    2. The dean or executive officer for the employing area must approve the tuition differential grant.
    3. "Immediate family" is defined as dependent children, spouses, or other qualified adults who are recognized by Benefits Office as eligible for dependent benefits.
    4. The tuition differential grant will be awarded only if the immediate family member is determined by the Office of the Registrar to be ineligible for resident status according to the University's Residence Regulations.
    5. The grant is only available during the first eighteen months of the faculty or staff member's appointment.
    6. The grant is available only during the first year that the immediate family member is physically present in Michigan.

December 2023:  Reviewed with no changes

July 2018:  Reviewed with no changes

SPG Number
Date Issued
Last Updated
Next Review Date
Applies To
Regular Faculty and Staff except those covered by the terms of a collective bargaining agreement
Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs; University Human Resources
Primary Contact
Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs; University Human Resources