
Rest Periods

Applies to: Regular Staff with the exception of those covered by the terms of a collective bargaining agreement
  1. Policy

    There will normally be a rest period which may be taken at a time and place and in a manner which does not interfere with the efficiency of the department. The rest period will be with pay and will not exceed 15 minutes for each 4 hours of work. The rest period is intended to be a recess to be preceded and followed by an extended work period. Consequently, it may not be used to cover a staff member’s late arrival to work or early departure, to extend the lunch period, nor may it be regarded as cumulative if not taken.


This SPG was reviewed in January 2017 with no changes. 

This SPG was updated in October 2023 to include links to related policies.

SPG Number
Date Issued
Last Updated
Next Review Date
Applies To
Regular Staff with the exception of those covered by the terms of a collective bargaining agreement
University Human Resources; Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Primary Contact
University Human Resources and the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs