
Work Schedules

Applies to: All staff with the exception of those covered by the terms of a collective bargaining agreement
  1. Policy

  2. Work schedules are designed to:
    1. Provide orderly and efficient service.
    2. Provide regularly recurring consecutive hours of work where practicable.
    3. Avoid overtime.
    4. Full-time staff members are regularly scheduled for forty (40) hours of work each week. In most units, this consists of five (5) eight (8) - hour days. Special characteristics inherent in some jobs and temporary work situations may warrant establishing schedules which vary from this pattern. Starting and quitting time may vary from unit to unit and within a unit.
  3. Supervisors are encouraged to accommodate the child care and family care needs of staff members, to the extent possible and consistent with the operating requirements of the unit, by adjusting work schedules and starting and quitting times.

April 2019:  reviewed with no changes.

This SPG was updated in October 2023 to include links to related policies and procedures.

SPG Number
Date Issued
Last Updated
Next Review Date
Applies To
All staff with the exception of those covered by the terms of a collective bargaining agreement
University Human Resources
Primary Contact
University Human Resources