Revisions, New Sections, and Deletions

To help build awareness of and promote compliance with university policy, an email group was created so members of the university community could choose to be updated on new, changed, and decommissioned policies (SPGs).  This is a self-opt-in email group that will receive a quarterly email with a list of policies that changed. Emails will be sent in January, April, July, and October.

To join the email group:

Hierarchy of legal and policy requirements

The Standard Practice Guide applies to the whole institution, but every campus, school, college, and department has unique needs and operations. Individual units may develop policies and procedures to suit their circumstances, provided they remain consistent with SPG requirements and external legal obligations. Below is a hierarchy of the different kinds of legal and policy requirements found at the university:

Authority and Delegations

Authority to act for the University of Michigan derives from the general power given to the Regents and the President by the Michigan Constitution of 1963 and the university’s implementing statutes.  The Board of Regents has delegated executive powers and administrative authority to senior officers, through its Bylaws and Regent Actions. In turn, certain powers are sub-delegated to flow down through the university’s organizational structure.

Procedures for Development of University Policy

The procedures outlined in this document support SPG 601.35, Development of University Policy.  The Office of Audit Services has exclusive ability to add, change, or delete content to the Standard Practice Guide (SPG) policies and organization charts.  To maintain the integrity of the Standard Practice Guide, Audit Services is responsible for coordinating publication of the Standard Pr